Questions and Answers

What are Higher Powers?

Whatever you believe they could be. People have different ideas about spiritual world, and there is no right or wrong beliefs. The understanding of what Higher Powers are is very individual and personal, and I respect that. If you believe in one God, it is a Higher Power. If you believe in fate, there is still a Higher Power behind that. Therefore, Higher Powers could mean a lot of different things for various people.

Can you predict the future?

To a certain extent. In the cards I can see possible development of situations and evaluate what could be the best for you. Otherwise, I can assess possible consequences of acting in one way or another.

What if I don’t have a specific question for a reading?

To get an answer, you need to have a question. However, I consider part of my job as a Tarot Reader to figure out what your question is. You can tell me about the situation (or person) you want to know more about, and I can figure out what your question is.

What if you see something bad?

Bad and good are very general notions. If bad means that things won’t be as you want them to, I can propose how you could change the chain of events in your life by changing your thoughts and behaviors.

Sometimes, to learn some lessons people bring “negative” events into their lives (a car accident could be one of such examples). In this case, I can help you understand what caused this event (from destiny, not technical point of view) and give some ideas about what you could do to avoid “negative” events coming into your life in the future.

However, if I see a negative event in your future, I can give you information about ways to avoid it.

Can you help me make decisions in my life?

To a certain extent. I can give you information about how your life situations look from the point of view of Higher Powers and explain what you can do to change the situation in a way you want it to.

How often do people usually want a reading?

It varies on people’s life situations. When life is changing very often, people may need more information on what is going on with their lives. In contrast, when life is stable, and there is no a lot of change, there is less need in information.

What if I’m a Christian?

Religion does not approve of Tarot, and your priest can tell you that. Tarot is outside of official religion because it does not support dogma. However, Tarot cards can help you to get information from the God if your beliefs are more spiritual than purely religious.

I want a reading but I don’t want to travel too far. Will you come to me?

I might upon agreement. I can also propose you to meet online either in skype or google hangouts if you have a phone or computer supporting video calls. You can find me in both systems by my email

How much does this cost?

I strongly believe in fair exchange of energy. Therefore, I discuss compensation personally with everyone coming to me.

I’m afraid that I won’t be able to afford this, are there other ways to get readings?

Yes. Exchange of energy does not necessarily mean money. People also exchange services and other goods. Everybody has something to propose for exchange. I am open to discussion about that.

Who taught you to read Tarot cards?

In 2013 I went to Tarot school in Moscow, Russia.

How long have you been reading Tarot cards?

I have been reading cards since 2013. It may not seem like a long time, but experience is more than just time frame.

Can I ask questions about other people or for other people?

You can, but the information you receive may not be very specific. You also may need to know these people’s names and Zodiac signs (or dates of birth).